Hello everyone I hope you are well and staying safe during our current situation.
For those of you who have had to adjust your sail and adapt to working at home or homeschooling your kids . I wanted to share some design tips to creating your unique home office
The first step is to pick a supportive and comfortable chair .
Chairs with adjustable seat height and adjustable back height are key when working for long periods of time .
Try choosing a counter height with dimensions between 28 and 30 inches.
3.Lighting is so important ...overhead and desk light help when you need to stare at a computer monitor for hours .
PRIMARY right now I recommend working in a room with a window . For NATURAL LIGHT - a plus during this time of having to stay inside your home . Raise that window to get fresh air. Vitamin D is great for your health .
If possible find a room where you can close the door it helps avoid disruptions and you can stay focus if there are others in your home .
EXTRA TIP : TAKE Breaks, 15 minutes stretch breaks.
If you are use to having a lunch break keep that routine .
add to your work space things that motivate you!
Picture , your favorite quote , flowers , grab your favorite coffee or tea mug .
Leave the TV out of your office . You are suppose to be working not watching the news and Netflix.
You should be following the same routines as if you were leaving to go:
Get up
get dressed
be grateful
trust that this is all working for good.
Stay safe God Bless~ Wandra